Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The sleep story

Well tonight is Amalie's first night in her own room. I am actually kind of sad about it, yet happy at the same time. It has been about a month now since she has been sleeping through the night. She usually goes to sleep between 10:30- midnight will sleep until 7 or 7:30 then take a bottle then back to bed until around 10:30 in the morning. I had loved having her in her bassinet right next to my side of the bed when I was up every 2 hours nursing her, but once we made the switch to formula after the" milk saga" she wasn't waking up more than twice a night, and then went to just once a night, she is outgrowing her current bed and we decided it was a good time now to make the transition before she gets too use to sleeping next to us. It took her a bit longer to settle tonight Chad said "I was at work" but she has been in her crib and doing well.... she is moving a bit more than usual but she is probably just getting use to all the space. I can't help but watch her on the monitor, I have a feeling I might not get much sleep tonight, I've been so worried I might not hear her when she wakes up for her bottle. I'm sure I will, but I'm just worrying. My little one looks so grown up these days I can't believe she will be 12 weeks on sunday ! Where did the time go? Chad and I love her more than we could have ever thought, she brings our family so much joy and she has blessed us so much. When either of us has had a hard day we love to just cuddle with her, makes life stand still, worries of the world fade and we feel at peace. Having a child is so amazing ! I love this little chic so much ! Praying the rest of the "first night" goes well.

1 comment:

Kristen Moss said...

That is incredible. I am so jealous that is has gone so well for you, especially since I have to do it all over again soon.

But congrats, I am also very happy for you, that is fantastic.