1. My child is happy
2.My child is capable of sleeping
If you were in our apartment tonight, I don't think either of the above statements would have crossed your minds. Amalie seriously had a full blown meltdown ! Not sure what her deal was, it started out of nowhere. We have had trouble with her not taking naps so I think she might have just been over tired. Even though she slept well last night and took one nap on my chest today, maybe days of sleeplessness are catching up with her ? I hope we have our happy baby back tomorrow though, all this screaming is tough !
Tonight I had a quiz due by 11:59 pm. I had planned on taking it earlier when Chad's mom was over watching Amalie but Amalie decided she wanted to eat three times in 3 hours so I was only really able to work on my homework for about 45 min. Leaving my quiz until tonight. At around 9 I sat down in the other room to get started, it's timed and I had 90 min to take it. Right when I got started Amalie started her fit, Chad tried everything to soothe her but the only thing that ended up working was for me to nurse her, then have her on my chest. I think Chad felt bad he wasn't able to help her, and that I wasn't able to focus on my exam, but it all worked out. I had my laptop set up on one side of me to take the quiz, the other hand with a binkie on it just in case the wailing started up again flipping through pages looking for the answers and rocking to keep the baby calm.... multi tasking to the MAX ! Not the most ideal situation, and I was quite a site to see but I ended up with 29/30 on the quiz and a quiet sleepy baby who is now sleeping away on Daddy's chest, we are not brave enough to try to set her in her bassinet, enjoying the quiet......
1 comment:
WOW.... this is motherhood at its finest.
I think I teared up a little. I am not sure if my hormones are raging or I just think allthough hard, this is a beautiful story, you are sacrificing so much. I am glad you documented it, you will love it later.
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